
How to get into freelance writing

Freelance writing jobs have long been among the most popular career options. This is very convenient since a freelancer is independent of any employer (instead of an employer, they have customers, and there are a lot of them). At the same time, you can independently plan your work schedule and even the amount of earnings.

During the crisis, freelance writing work has become a viable financial alternative for many and especially those who had difficulty finding a job. Also, freelancing is very convenient for those who for some reason can work from home only.

In fact, there are many ways to find a job for freelance writers. The more of them you use, the more likely you are to have some stable earnings.

How to break into freelance writing

1. Freelancing sites.

If you do not want to waste time looking for vacancies and would prefer employers to find you instead, then you will need to look for specialized websites with vacancies for freelance writers. For example, you can use writingcreek.com.

The downside of such sites is that they are only conditionally free. A free account has its limitations, for example, in the number of responses to your offer. They also charge some fee for additional functionality.

Specialized sites with vacancies are convenient and can help you get started because by signing up there, you can view all available writing offers in one place whether it is writing jobs for students or something else.

2. Former employers.

If you are looking for an extra job or remote work at home, then it is quite possible that you will be able to get an order from your former boss. Contact them and find out if they have any unresolved issues, occasional writing tasks that they cannot cope with. Tell them that you are ready to work remotely and receive a piece-rate payment.

To an employer, this option is doubly convenient: firstly, they already know what you are capable of, and, secondly, they do not need to worry about creating an additional workplace.

We hope that you now understand why it is so important to leave companies “in an amicable way” and continue to maintain good relations with your former employers and colleagues.

3. Potential employers

Think what companies might need your creative writing skills to jump off your freelance writing career. And, since we are talking about remote work, there are unlimited potential companies: you can look for work not only in other cities but even in other countries. Payment, in this case, can be done to your credit card, bank account, etc.

It is necessary to draw up a list of potential employers, find the necessary contacts, and then send out your CV. With employers who are in your city, most likely, it will be necessary to meet them personally.

4. Trainings and subsequent employment.

Some freelance training centers, after graduation, either help with employment or provide their Internet resources for posting your profile for beginners. The training itself also usually takes place online.

Customers know about such sites and purposefully research the right specialists there.

5. Social networks

Social networking is not only a place for chatting with friends but also a powerful tool for finding freelance writing jobs. On social networks, you can find suitable vacancies, contact potential employers, look for freelance work with the help of friends.

6. Networking

Just like in the case of finding a regular job, you can seek writing jobs for students and remote work opportunities in general through friends.

Let people know that you are looking for a remote job like essay jobs or whatever. It is also necessary to compile a list and call out those of their acquaintances who work for potential employers.

7. Blogging

If you set a goal to continue developing in your writing specialty long term, gradually forming your professional brand by say rendering academic essay services, then it is worth considering starting your own blog.

Your site will not only create and improve your image as a professional in this area (increasing confidence and your “value” in the market) but will also bring some number of potential customers who will find you on the Internet through search.

8. Paid ads

Wondering how to get started freelance writing academic assignment? In order to attract good customers with serious projects, you need to try hard. And advertising is another opportunity for a freelancer to reach their target audience, even if it means paying money. If you choose a sufficiently effective channel to promote your services, then it will pay off.

As advertising tools, you can use, for example, social network promotion, contextual advertising or, say, advertising at events where your potential employers meet.

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